Once upon a time, in a vast savannah, there lived two pigs named Porky and Hamlet. They were very modern animals with very advanced understandings of life.
One day, they just went to a pride of lions who were resting in the shades of a palm tree.
The lions, being the mighty kings of the savannah, were used to being feared and respected by all the other animals. But Porky and Hamlet were not like other animals.
With boldness and confidence, the pigs approached the lions and declared: Porky: “Lions, we come to you today to announce that we are not pigs, but trans-lions. We have always felt more like lions than pigs.”
Hamlet: “And we believe that animal kinds don’t matter, every animal should be free to change their kind if they feel like it.”
The lions, confused and intrigued, listened to the pigs’ declaration with a mix of confusion and approval.
After this, the lions jumped and torn them apart. And they had a great pork dinner.
Itís nearly impossible to find educated people for this subject, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks