There are a few certain ways to ruin a date. Here are things you should consider better NOT to say on a date.

* It’s so nice outfit looks like a wonder-bra?

* I really hate this restaurant, but I wanted to use my 2-for-1 coupon before it expired.

* I should drink no wine for me tonight. My urologist insists it’s not good to mix alcohol and penicillin.

* I used to come here with all my ex.

* I didn’t say you desperately need a nose job. I just mention it won’t hurt to consider it.

* Could you excuse me? My dog gets so lonely if he doesn’t hear my voice on the telephone every hour.

* I really feel grown in the past year. Used to be, I wouldn’t have given someone like you a second look.

* I know you mentioned you don’t eat anything with a face. But the good butcher can cut that part off for you if you so insist.

* It’s been tough, but I’ve already accepted that the most people I date just won’t be half as smart as I am.

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